2013. április 13., szombat

Eurovision 2013 - Croatia (Horvátország)

Egy újabb dal:

Klapa s Mora - Mižerja:

A Klapa egy tradicionális dél horvát, pontosabban dalmát ének stílus. A horvátok idén egy speciális klapával neveztek. Az előadók 6 fiatal, de tapasztalatokban gazdag énekes. Kettő tenor, kettő bariton, kettő bassziszta. 

Dalszöveg- Lyrics:

Performer: Klapa s mora
Song title: Mižerja
Song writer(s): Goran Topolovac
Song composer(s): Goran Topolovac
Zlata niman da
te njime okitim
Samo ove ruke dvi
da ti dušu zagrlim

Ej mižerja ka tvrda si stina
Ej mižerja ka dvi kapi vina
Nemam ništa, samo viru
I bokun čiste jubavi

Ružo moja lipa
za te živit ću
I zadnju koru suvog kruva
s tobom dilit ću

Ej mižerja ka tvrda si stina
Ej mižerja ka dvi kapi vina
Nemam ništa, samo viru
I bokun čiste jubavi 


Performer: Klapa s mora
Song title: Mižerja
Song writer(s): Goran Topolovac
Song composer(s): Goran Topolovac

I have no gold
To adorn your lovely form –
Only these two arms of mine
To embrace and keep you warm.

Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.

Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.

Oh, my rose so lovely,
All my life I’ll care,
And my final crust of bread
With you I’ll gladly share.

Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.

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